Upset Admiral Demands To Speak To Fleet Manager

Furious at the inability of her fleet to merge correctly, human admiral Karen Sommers contacted United Nations of Earth (UNE) High Command demanding to speak to the fleet manager.  

“Is this how you treat loyal admirals?” Sommers fumed at a government representative via video link. “I’ve been commanding this fleet for years without issue. Just what sort of service is being run here exactly?”

The situation quickly deteriorated when it was explained to Sommers that her fleet had been unable to merge due to a hyperdrive incompatibility. “Unacceptable!” Sommers raged, “do you know who I am?”

Attempts to try and calm the situation only further exasperated Sommers, who then began recording the encounter on her smartphone while demanding the government representative state their full name, position and level of renown.

“I want video evidence that you are denying me access to the fleet manager!” Sommers ranted, adding “this is the UNE! I know my rights!”

The government representative responded by stating their intent to terminate the call, which Sommers decried as “an act of aggression,” before fearfully exclaiming she felt “unsafe” and shouting for help at staff nearby.

At the time of press Sommers has since called local Enforcers in a flood of tears, stating she was the victim of a targeted hate crime, and that she suspected the UNE representative was operating as part of a street gang.