Byzantine Bureaucracy Leadership Council Regulated By New Council Oversight Council

The Ethir Irenic Bureaucracy has announced the creation of an oversight council to further regulate the activity of the recently introduced Leadership Council.

Ethir officials stated the new Leadership Council Oversight Council (LCOC) was required after the government began speedily implementing sweeping national agendas while bypassing the normal approval processes usually undertaken by one or more of the several thousand regulatory committees making up the Bureau of Bureaucracy.

“The Leadership Council just suddenly mandated that every pop should have a better quality of life,” Ethir administrator Um’Kalak told Xenonion following verification of triplicate media passes. “What’s even more terrifying is that they actually enacted their proposal without as much as an E-403 pre-request form to obtain the appropriate E-404 governmental paperwork.”

The LCOC’s creation was the primary recommendation of a 950-page impact assessment, which also concluded that the democratically elected Leadership Council did not hold any legal authority without submitting paperwork that could be scrutinized and signed off by a panel of three unelected bureaucrats who only convene every second Tuesday.

“Critics have argued we need to move away from all this red tape,” Um’Kalak continued, “but we have these systems and processes in place precisely because that is what the systems and processes demand.”

Work is already underway to further strengthen the regulatory process by having the LCOC itself overseen by an additional oversight council, the Leadership Council Oversight Council Oversight Council (LCOCOC), with members to both also requiring approval from the Leadership Council Oversight Council Approvals Panel (LCOCAP) and the Leadership Council Oversight Council Approvals Panel Authorization Tribunal (LCOCAPAT).