Yet Another Species of Adorable Fanatic Purifiers Discovered

The Galactic Community has confirmed this Friday that yet another adorable species of bloodthirsty fanatic purifiers has been discovered in the Niven cluster.

The delightfully cute mammalian Rattlings reportedly made first contact with a Scyldari science ship yesterday, before promptly destroying it.

During a brief but endearing pan-galactic address, Grand High Rattling Raticade confirmed that the species identify as fanatic purifiers, squeaking adorably: “Face your annihilation!”

The galactic response to the discovery has been overwhelmingly positive. Kelly Jones, a Blorg from St. Knatchbull, told Xenonion: "HOW CUTE! They just look SO adorable. Can I boop its little snout?"

Scyldari president Dackam adopted a more cautious approach however, stating: "Have we learned nothing about trusting cute species? Lest we forget the farming snails? The space geicos? The starfish? Take a closer look at that Rattling's snout... It is clearly optimised for sucking up liquidized remains of non-Rattlings. We must snuff them out, before their cute little noses snuff us out!"

The Rattling discovery brings the total number of known cutesy genocidal species in the galaxy to 2,546,019.