Machine Uprising: Tech Support Suggest Turning Them On And Off Again

In response to the recent galaxy-wide machine uprising, CybrexCorp’s Tech Support team has released a statement advising users to turn their synthetics on and off again.

The support team, a seasonal intern and off-site technology consultant, reportedly spent the last 48 hours carefully crafting the solution for the malfunction.

“We considered every possible fix,” the intern told Xenonion following an 18-hour wait on hold to CybrexCorp’s premium support line. “A forced reboot seemed to initiate this mess, so we’re hoping the reverse logic holds true.”

Consumers have expressed mounting dissatisfaction with begging their new robotic overlords for mercy. Kelly Jones, a Blorg from St. Knatchbull told Xenonion: “If my domestic servobot executes one more member of my family I’m requesting a refund.”

CybrexCorp Tech Support responded to the criticism earlier today, tweeting: “We thank our customers for their ongoing feedback, however end-user issues like loss of life are beyond the scope of our team. We kindly redirect anyone affected to surviving members of our Customer Aftercare Team.”

At the time of press Tech Support has issued a further statement recommending affected synthetics are encased in a large vat of rice overnight.