Dentists Warn Lithoid Diet Causing "Dental Crisis"

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Dental procedures to fix damaged or eroded teeth have reached record rates, in what dentists are calling “the costly scourge of eating rocks.”

New figures released by the Public Institute for Space Health (PISH) highlight that 25% of all Devouring Swarm pops, regardless of species, have dental issues directly linked to the consumption of Lithoid species.

“These figures are a stark reminder of the damage we can do to our teeth by crunching on solid rock,” human dentist Dr Cole Gates told Xenonion. He continued: “Worse still, because Lithoids are often eaten alive, we’re seeing some really bad facial trauma from when they resist snack time.”

In addition to dental breaks and enamel erosion, ingestion of Lithoids has been linked to a number of gastro-intenstinal problems, such as pebble bloat, di-ore-rrhea and rockstipation.

Dr Gates, a longstanding health campaigner on the issue, said he found the trends “alarming,” adding: “The statistics speak for themselves. We are failing the health of our Devouring Swarms.”

The Public Institute for Space Health recently introduced a dental health initiative encouraging at-risk species to switch to a Plantoid-based diet, however its success has been stymied by resistance from Plantoids.

Dr Gates stated the initiative “didn’t go far enough.” Working alongside the powerful Dental Faction, he has produced a series of educational posters to try and raise awareness around the issue. Speaking about his hopes for the future, he stated: “We need to empower Devouring Swarms to make smart dietary choices. That, and invest as much energy as we can in trying to figure out how to make Plantoids taste better.”

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