Crime levels on the planet of Horizon have dropped to a record low following the introduction of an anti-crime campaign, which saw the world apocalyptically bombarded with educational pamphlets.
The intervention came as crime rates on the planet hit 99%, with almost every citizen engaging in some form of criminal activity.
Horizon’s Chief Enforcer, Frank Daytona, stated his department were inspired to use orbital educational pamphlets having seen the success of the Encourage Growth Initiative, wherein orbital bombardment of food onto the planet increased fertility levels. He told Xenonion: “We suddenly realized we could crush crime not only metaphorically, but literally, through completely saturating every square inch of the planet in high-quality pamphlets dropped from space.”
Approximately 2,000 ships were requisitioned to carry over 70 million tonnes of the 8.5x11 inch hi-gloss, explosive-tipped and tungsten-reinforced brochures, all of which bore images of a stern female Enforcer highlighting anti-crime facts and suggestions for after-school activities.
Image: Fleets have been working round the clock bombarding Horizon with anti-crime pamphlets (pictured, insert)
The bombardment run concluded in the early hours of this morning, and initial reports from the small number of citizens who survived the leaflet blastwaves appears to have been positive.
Xenonion was able to speak to one such citizen, George Smith, as he climbed out of of a massive pile of leaflet debris which had pulverized his apartment building. Dazed, and covered in deep jagged paper cuts, he wheezed: “I thought the guide was really helpful.”
Chief Enforcer Daytona held a press conference from the ruins of his former Precinct Office, which is no longer functional due sustaining heavy leaflet shrapnel damage. He stated: “The campaign has been devastatingly effective! Unfortunately it’s taking a bit more time than expected to get up to date crime figures as we lost our analytics team in the glossy maelstrom, but early reports indicate crime rates have pretty much dropped to zero!”
The Galactic Community has welcomed the initiative, and a number of other densely populated urban planets are looking to replicate the findings. Chief Enforcer Daytona stated he was pleased to hear this, concluding: “The crooks who are left alive by this method will think twice when we’re done with them.”