Void Cloud Wrex: Mandatory Evacuations Stall As Egalitarians Slam 'Forced Resettlement'

Planetary evacuations have stalled as egalitarian pops refuse to cooperate with what they describe as “forced resettlement” ahead of a devastating space-storm which is expected to make planet-fall in the coming hours.

Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for several planets across the Chiral Expanse, a region projected to to lie directly in the path of Void Cloud Wrex, which in recent hours has strengthened to a Category 5 space-storm.

“We’re saying get out now,” sector governor Toran Mondrigg stated in a press briefing on Saturday, adding “this storm poses an existential threat to anyone caught in its path.”

The Trans-Galactic Weather Service has warned that Wrex could wreak “apocalyptic” damage on several densely populated worlds, describing how planetary atmospheres are likely to be “swept away” under electromagnetic storm surges measuring up to 10,000km high.

Despite this, the mood from egalitarian residents on local planets has remained bullish.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Icheon II resident Kalas Dolen told Xenonion. “To try and take away my freedom like this smacks of naked authoritarianism.”

“It’s a slippery slope,” Talandra Vi Mak of Thyrule agreed. “First this, next we’ll be asked to donate food, water and basic medical supplies to so-called ‘victims.’ It’s a play straight out of the fascist handbook.”

Government officials from the region are desperately trying to encourage migration off world by hastily constructing visitor centers and amusement parks on neighboring safe planets to coax pops into leaving voluntarily.

At the time of press both Dolen and Vi Mak stated they had been “prompted to act” by the prospect of an “all inclusive holiday evacuation,” but were unable to follow through after all space-flights across the region were cancelled due to the storm.