Vassal Requests Assistance, Overlord Outraged

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Emissaries from the Hudaar Reach have confirmed this Monday that their subject, the Veenoy Dominion, has been released and a rivalry declared.

The diplomatic break was confirmed by Hudaar High Chief Weeal, who stated in a press conference: "In our thousand years of existence, the Hudaar species have never been so offended. Today, one of our youngest vassals broke all manner of diplomatic tradition. They approached us and asked us to… [lengthy pause]… trade technology."

The press conference was cut short due to commotion and shock within the predominantly Hudaari press pool.

The Galactic Council has warned the Veenoy Dominion that its actions were "thoughtless" and may contravene galactic law.

It is believed this is in reference to Articles 5 and 401-521B of the Galactic Charter on Diplomacy, which respectively state that technologies can only be traded obtusely in the form of research agreements, and that technologically backwater vassals are forbidden from being outlandish.

Image: It is believed the Veenoy were hoping to trade their rudimentary warp drive technology for the Hudaar’s advanced hyperdrive engines

Image: It is believed the Veenoy were hoping to trade their rudimentary warp drive technology for the Hudaar’s advanced hyperdrive engines

Following the press conference, several neighbouring empires have declared the Veenoy as rivals and are considering forming a coalition in protest of "grave crimes against the galaxy" as one senior Hudaarian emissary described the situation to Xenonion.

A Veenoy reporter at the press conference tried to justify the dominion's actions, stating his government thought it would make sense for two allied nations to share technology. High Chief Weeal retorted "there's a difference between allies and vassals" before jumping into the audience and bludgeoning the reporter to death, to the cheers of the frenzied press attaché.

Unverified reports are now filtering through that Veenoy civilians on their capitol of Veenoia are being evacuated off-world by slow moving warp transports.

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