Mining Station Projected To Somehow Produce 3 Minerals per Month Indefinitely

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A local mining station which has supplied a steady stream of 3 minerals per month for the last three hundred years is showing no signs of slowing down output, Lokken officials have confirmed.

It was initially expected the B9-71-J asteroid mining facility, one of the first interstellar ventures constructed by the Lokken, would only sustain the fledgling space-nation for several years.

However, recent analysis of the asteroid has highlighted vast deposits of untapped ore, and projections now expect the mining operation to produce trillions of minerals for the Lokken economy over the next millenia.

Lur’Kir, operations manager for the B9-71-J facility, stated the secret to the operation’s success was a “slow and steady approach.”

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Speaking to Xenonion earlier today, Lur’Kir stated: “When I say we’re extracting three minerals per month, we’re literally removing three tiny granules of mineral scrapping from the asteroid structure every month.”

Demonstrating how his mining spatula worked, Lur’Kir continued: “Who am I to question how this works? This method has kept myself and generations of my family in employment for centuries.”

Environmental groups have applauded the eco-friendly nature of the operation, highlighting that the slow mining process allows the asteroid to naturally accumulate minerals, making the process completely sustainable.

Shares in mining spatulas have risen on the news, the Space Exchange Index (SExI) has confirmed.

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