If it’s something you struggle with, you’re not alone.
These Fallen Empire species have just woke and they share your pain.
1. When someone accidentally wake you and the only measured response is to go full jingoistic reclamation on the galaxy
2. When you awake early in the galactic cycle, but decide to just stay in your home system browsing social media for a few decades
3. When you wake up and it’s just not possible to open your eyes, but then you remember you don’t have eyes
4. When you wake up early in the morning and sit on the edge of your bed like
5. When you wake up and display the five stages of wakening: 1. Extreme Agitation, 2. Extreme Agitation, 3. Extreme Agitation, 4. Extreme Agitation, 5. Extreme Agitation…
6. That feeling when you’ve got doctrinal enforcing to do at 10am but it’s a Sunday
7. When you seriously consider only building Gateways in the hope that you might accidentally travel back to a time when you weren’t awake
8. That feeling when you’ve at 3 millenia of sleep but still don’t feel refreshed on wakening
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