Planet Accidentally Terraformed Into Regular Icosahedron

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An engineering firm has accidentally terraformed the planet of Gygax II into a regular icosahedron, local reports confirm.

Planetary Management Schemes (PMS) Inc, the company in charge of the project, has thus far declined to comment.

“This was definitely not intentional,” Q'Boid, a reptilian mid-level engineer at PMS who wished to remain anonymous told Xenonion. "Someone, somewhere got their calculations majorly wrong.”

Image: Currently, a permanent colony is out of question, but several vacation properties and hotels have already been built along the planets edges.

Image: Currently, a permanent colony is out of question, but several vacation properties and hotels have already been built along the planets edges.

Independent observers believe the conversion of the planet into a 20-sided structure is likely to be highly problematic, causing issues with structural instability, climate collapse and aesthetic irregularity.

“There’s a real risk the planet’s shape shifts further,” Q’Boid continued. “An icosahedron is a paradise compared to the horrors of toruses, cyclinders, 3D fractals... let alone shapes that extend into higher spatial dimensions beyond our comprehension." 

At press time, a group of private colonists have begun constructing numerous theme-parks and resorts on Gygax II to accommodate for a suddenly booming tourist industry. The planets first tourist center is already selling miniature models of the planet as souvenirs, and many colonists had begun numbering the sides for entertainment.

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