“I Can Totally Quit Building These At Any Time” Area Leader Jitters At Daily Habitat Inauguration

The Lyrian Union has completed construction of a new habitat in the Galantis System, the 138th such structure to be built under president Thoraul’s first few months of leadership.

Speaking at his third habitat inauguration of the morning, a visibly perspiring and twitchy Thoraul stated he could “totally quit building these at any time, honestly.”

The Galantis habitat has been specifically designated as an alloy foundry, of which Thoraul stated: “the fact it will produce additional alloys which are a critical resource in the construction of future habitats is entirely coincidental.”

Sources close to the government highlight mounting concerns that Thoraul’s enthusiasm for habitat construction is spiraling out of control, with rumors he has already pre-approved plans to build dozens more structures in the last week alone.

“We had an emergency meeting about how the habitat budget was going to bankrupt us,” Regolid, a Lyrian official who wished to remain anonymous told Xenonion, “and during the meeting several lewd photos of scantily clad habitat schematics fell out of his bag. The guy clearly has a problem.”

Unconfirmed reports on social media also speculate that members of the Department for Colonial Affairs are planning an intervention after Thoraul refused to consider any of the six nearby gaia worlds for colonization.

At the time of press Thoraul refused to comment on the matter, although has since unveiled plans for a habitat-construction rehabilitation center, based on a yet to be constructed habitat.