Galactic Senate Urgently Recalled To Debate Emergency Minor Administrative Sanctions Bill For Fifteenth Time

Interstellar Assembly

The Galactic Senate has been recalled from recess almost five years early to once again urgently debate the recently re-proposed Minor Administrative Sanctions Bill.

The measure, which has already been implemented and rescinded by the Senate fifteen times in recent years, was brought to the chamber floor yesterday on an emergency basis by the Repsar Imperium.

Repsar officials stated the expedited proposal was needed due to immediate security concerns that anyone, anywhere in the galaxy, could at some time be in breach of galactic law.

“The gravity of this situation is self-explanatory,” Repsar representative Pob’Tirin told Xenonion, “we need to act quickly to ensure that if any xeno breaches galactic law, they will be swiftly dealt a small educational pamphlet on the matter.”

Galactic Senate

Members of the Galactic Council met late on Wednesday to discuss the critical vote, which has now taken priority over more routine matters such as pan-galactic attempts to ban slavery or shore up defences against the ongoing Unbidden invasion.

A number of Senators have stated they will boycott proceedings on the basis that the Senate has never actually voted any other law into existence which could be breached due to perpetually being tied up in deliberations about sanctions.

A representative for the Council reassured Xenonion that the organization was committed to introducing a diverse array of legislation, highlighting plans to expand the current roster of proposals to include economic, research and military sanctions.

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